Overwhelmed? Don't know how to start — or finish — your documentation?

Let TechSmart help you. Drawing on highly skilled resources, TechSmart can bring the talent you need. Take the background of TechSmart's founder, Julie Vouri, as an example:
As a trained technical writer and editor with over twenty years of experience, Julie knows how to sort through mountains of notes, drafts and wish lists. She'll help you deliver clear, concise, correct documentation to meet your needs.
Julie is skilled at developing and/or editing policies, procedures, process flows, quick reference guides and reference documents. She will work with you to understand the requirements, develop the plan and execute it — if that's what you need to deliver your documentation. She can also edit and format your draft documents, to make them clear and consistent.
Julie has experience using various tools, ranging from Microsoft Office to Visio to SharePoint, to deliver effective written communication.